And so it begins . . .

I’ll be doing mini-posts like this Mon-Fri (this week and next) to announce the stops. One lucky person who comments (at the blog tour posts, not here) will win a free ebook subscription. So, 10 stops, 10 winners. 🙂

Our eighth stop on the trip will be at PJ Hoover‘s place where you’ll get to learn a little bit more about the book, the process, and the extras involved on my website.

PJ Hoover is the author of The Forgotten Worlds Trilogy (The Emerald Tablet, The Navel of the World, and The Necropolis) and Solstice. She is also part of The Texas Sweethearts (& Scoundrels) blog.
And on a non-blog tour related note, if you are interested in or write for the MG (middle grade) audience, #mglitchat is holding its first chat this Thursday at 9pm EST. You can find a calendar and a list of topics (as well as transcripts) on the MGlitchat blog. Hope to see you there!

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