In Which Nerissa Makes a Promise and Gains a Heart: Final Chapter!

The final chapter of THE FAIRY GODMOTHER DILEMMA: CATSPELL is up! You can read it, and the entire novel here.

To my readers: I’ve appreciated your support and kind words. Thank you! I will have CATSPELL available for download in the “Members Only” section by November 7th as a PDF, Mobi file, and Epub file. Once it’s available, I will send out an email alerting you. You’ll have two weeks to download. The reason there’s a time limit is secret right now, but I’ll be sharing in a couple of weeks. O:) (And if you miss the window, by chance, please let me know and I’ll email you a copy. Once the two week window has passed, I’ll be resetting the program so the “Members Only” tab will no longer be available for the serialization.)

For those that ordered the print copy as well, I will do my best to have everything in the mail so the books arrive before Christmas–this will, however, depend on the printer’s schedule with proofs and such. I want to get the books to you quickly, but I also want to make sure they are the best quality possible. Once they’re in the mail, you’ll receive an email alerting you. 🙂

Thanks again for everything. I couldn’t have done this without each one of you. 😀

Chapter 33 Preview:

“Thank you for finding me.” The old man Havethor had become wavered before Nerissa.

She snorted. “Thank your servants. It was only at their insistence I started looking for you in the first place.”

“Yes, my servants.” His face grew soft and distant. “Promise me you’ll look after them.”

“Look after them? You’re here now. Besides, I’m a fairy godmother, not a cat-sitter.” She folded her arms and scowled at him. While dealing with his servants was, in a lot of ways, similar to dealing with her DIDs, she wouldn’t trade her DIDs for the world. None of them could turn her into a turnip or force her to do impossible things. And she was satisfied with that.

He looked past her, his face brightening with an inner glow. “I’m afraid I spent the last of my energies binding the crystal imprisoning Mara. It is an imperfect binding, but should hold for a time.”

“A time? The last of your energies? But I’ve only just found you.” If Havethor had told her he was going to go tap dancing on the moon, she wouldn’t have been more surprised—or dismayed. He couldn’t leave now, not again. Nerissa rubbed her arms. She could already feel the stare of seven cats boring holes through her with their silent demands. She couldn’t make another bargain with them. She wouldn’t.

© 2011 by Danyelle Leafty. All rights reserved.

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