Media Kit


Danyelle Leafty writes upper MG and YA fantasy, and is the author of THE FAIRY GODMOTHER DILEMMA series. Danyelle has always loved fairy tales, and prefers stories where someone gets eaten, or at the very least, transmogrified. Much of her inspiration has come from fairy tales, because as G.K. Chesterton so aptly states, “Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.” In her spare time, she collects dragons, talking frogs, and fairy godmothers. She also collects books, and one day hopes to make a house out of them. She enjoys learning languages, fiddling with her harp, and perfecting the fine art of mothering. (It’s a lot like trying to herd chickens during a lightning storm while a goat stampede is going on.)One of her heroes is Albert Einstein, particularly for the following quote: “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The most important thing is not to stop questioning.”You can also find her on: Facebook, Twitter, Google +1, Tumblr, and GoodReads

Danyelle used to blog for QueryTracker. She served as an editor for Underneath the Juniper Tree (an online kidlit magazine in the order of Crow Toes Quarterly) in 2011, and she is a co-founder and co-host for #mglitchat.



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Interviews and Guest Posts:

Interview with Ali Cross

Diversity Tour interview with Christine Fonseca

Why We Speak in Fairy Tales guest post for Angie Lofthouse

Character Interview with Marlene Dotterer

The Inspiration Behind the Story guest post for Susan Meyers

Putting the Fairy Back in Fairy Tales guest post for Krispy

Interview with Shana Norris

Interview with Christine Farley

Interview with PJ Hoover

We Need More Fairy Godmothers in the World guest post for LT Elliot

The Art of Making Mistakes guest post for Elana Johnson

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