Mira Morganstein: Queen of the Nearly Dead Fae, Episode One, Part 2

This week’s selection is a serial that will be running through each Curiosity along with the short stories. Mira Morganstein is *not* a serialized novel–that is, a novel chopped into pieces. It is a serial–think of comic books or T.V. shows. Each “episode” comes complete with a beginning, a middle, and an end for the particular story arc in that episode, but there will not be a story resolution at the end like a novel.

Because of how long each episode is, I’ve divided the serial into two parts. Part 2 is posted today, while part 1 was posted last Monday. In the Curiosity itself, Episode One of Mira Morganstein will be complete and comprised of parts 1 and 2.

I hope you enjoy!

Mira Morganstein: Queen of the Nearly Dead Fae, Episode One, PART 2

Official Proclamation

The one known as Mira Morganstein of the Mortal Realm has been found. As of yet, she poses no direct threat to our Realm, but that is likely to change before the next moon fall.
Every citizen is required by Queen Ravenna’s word to report any sightings, rumors, supposings, or information they may have gathered, found, or overheard dealing with or pertaining to Mira Morganstein.
Failure to do so will result in being banished to the Mortal Realm for the duration of seven moon falls. Remember: no matter how horrible death may be, there are far worse fates reserved for those whose loyalties lie with elsewhere.


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