Monday Shorts: Moon Bait (Curiosities of the Moon)

Witch Bait

The world had been dark before her coming, or so the sky said.

Mortals lived in darkness, eased only by hungry fire that devoured everything it touched and was never satisfied no matter how much it consumed.

Then the sun came, and for half the day, mortals could blink up at the light and see things clearly for the first time. But the world wasn’t complete until she came to light the night with her presence and a scattering of stars.

The sun walked in truth, but she spoke in stories and traveled by wisdom’s path.

So why was she stalking a witch—three witches to be exact?

Curiosities of the moon is now available:

Amazon|Barnes and Noble|Kobo

I hope you enjoyed this story. This is set in the world of the Tales of the Snow Queen series. When I wrote the first book OF WIND AND WINTER, it never occurred to me where, exactly, the Babas Yaga Three procured their raven skins. This story answers that question that I never thought to ask. 🙂

If you would like to receive the full Curiosity (this is just one of the stories to be found in July’s edition) for free, click here to sign up for my newsletter or go back to the homepage of my website ( and click on “Newsletter” in the menu at the bottom of the screen.

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* The cover for OF FIREBIRDS AND FROST is not yet in its fully finished/polished state yet. It will be soon as it will release this year.

Order of books in the series thus far:

1. Of Wind and Winter

2. Of Firebirds and Frost





Copyright © 2014 by Danyelle Leafty. All rights reserved. You may not copy or distribute without written permission from the author.

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